Facts about Halcyon
Halcyon originally began solely as a manufacturer of metal components over 40 years ago working closely with companies such as Stadium to produce parts for their range of products such as the Stadium Motorcycle mirrors and the popular MkIII range of Goggles. Over the years Stadium began concentrating on other more profitable areas of their business and eventually made a decision to discontinue the production of certain Classic Car and Motorcycle accessories and their range of traditional goggles. As Halcyon already made most of the components for these products and had a good working relationship with Stadium, a decision was made to continue offering the Stadium range of classic products directly from Halcyon factory.
Halcyon Made in England
The factory is located in Hertfordshire just north of London in the county town of Hertford. Halcyon have always focused on low batch work of high end products requiring a high level of skill and a very hands on approach. Halcyons have a relatively small work force of committed employees that have worked for us for many years and have developed a high level of skill that would be almost Impossible to replace. Having a workforce of experienced staff who each specialise in a role within the production of our products allows us to always maintain a consistent quality that we could never hope to reach should we choose a more cost effective approach to manufacturing.
No Compromises
During the boom of mass produced components made in countries like China, many of Halcyon's popular classic products such as the Bar End mirrors and our Goggles were copied. With manufacturing costs in China being a fraction of what it costs to manufacture in the UK, it became a real struggle for the company to stay competitive on price. At this time Company could have taken the easy route and sent all our tooling overseas and had the bulk of our products made for a third of the cost. Thankfully it was decided that Halcyon would not compromise on traditional methods of production and that company would continue to focus on making Quality British made Classic Accessories.
In English, scroll down.
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Paytrail Oyj, y-tunnus: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
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Placing an order
Domestic shipping: Parcels 6,90 € and letters 4,90 €.
Check international shipping rates from here
Orders can be paid in advance with Checkout online payment (using Finnish bank systems or major credit cards) and PayPal. Advance payment costs nothing. ApplePay is available when using Safari browser and if ApplePay features are activated to your Apple ID.
Our main credit/debit/ApplePay partner is Paytrail. Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For reclamations, please contact the website the payment was made to.
Paytrail Plc
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Business ID 2122839-7
Prices are affected by whether or not you order inside the European Union. In Finland, like most other countries in EU, we have Value Added tax which is nominally 24 %.
Domestic orders can be returned and refunded in full within 14 days of receiving the goods. International returns are not accepted, unless the freight is paid by the customer (back and forth).
Once you make an order and give us your e-mail address, you get a couple of automatic e-mail messages. The first one, order confirmation, is sent immediately. For orders that require payment quotation you get a separate e-mail including payment information. Once the package is sent the system sends you an e-mail about this. Included is a tracking code if applicable to the shipping method.
We try to keep the web pages 100% up to date about item availability. As nothing is perfect, sometimes it fails, ie. you might order something that really isn’t available. If this happens, we will try to contact you. If you haven’t supplied phone or e-mail information and we don’t have something you ordered, we’ll either send your order without the item or not at all. So please include a working e-mail address and do check it after making an order! Once again: we do not use your personal info for any marketing purposes.
Contact us by e-mail or WhatsApp. When sending us e-mail clearly indicate what the message is about. If it’s about an order, provide all the details, like the order number and the name of the person who originally placed the order. When answering to our e-mails, please quote all the previous messages. We receive a lot of e-mails, so when we get a message from john@gmail.com that says “Okay” it’s very hard to find out what’s it all about.
Check your e-mail system that you have sufficient space for new messages. We are fast and reliable, technology isn’t. If you don’t hear from us in a few days, our response has been lost in a spam filter or some other technical problem has occurred.
Our contact information: info@tonupstore.com / +358 45 353 1706